Novo: Make New "The Energy Has Changed": A Movemental Difference Through Prayer — Novo

"The Energy Has Changed": A Movemental Difference Through Prayer


Last year I stepped into a new role as CRM’s Prime Intercession team leader. CRM has identified prayer as “critical in laying the foundation and creating the conditions for a movement to launch and thrive”; the name Prime conveys this unique and essential role of preparation.

Leading the Prime Intercession Team has helped me to see obstacles as opportunities to storm heaven for Kingdom breakthrough. In the past months, my team has seen some exciting breakthroughs in response to our prayers. Here's one remarkable example.

The Lord highlighted a three-block radius where many refugees are being placed. My teammate, Morgan (not her real name), sensed the Lord was inviting her to take her guitar and use worship as her weapon to push back darkness for a gospel movement in the area. The Lord directed her to a certain park where, upon arriving, she was surprised to find that the Lord had led another believer, an older woman, to the same place for the same purpose. Together they worshipped the Lord, asking him to build his throne in this region that has been marked by crime, prostitution, and new age and occult practices. Morgan described this worship time as an act of “confrontational praise”—staring evil in the face while addressing Jesus as Lord over the area in song and in praise.

This meeting started a concentrated season of prayer. For about two months they prayed consistently on site at spiritually dark places in the area, including a witchcraft shop, a palm reading shop, and mosques.

Something began to shift over the land:

The palm reading shop closed...

Doors started opening for churches and families in the area to partner in prayer for the whole community...

A mega-church in the area asked the team to lead training on how to be mission-minded in reaching out to their neighborhood…

Divine appointments increased in the community, including opportunities to invite Jesus to encounter those entrenched in witchcraft…

God gave teammates, including children, dreams confirming direction for moving forward…

New relationships with Arab refugees began to blossom...

A building became available for rent, right in the middle of the strip clubs, new age shops, and witchcraft stores...

Funds started pouring in to rent this space—in order to open a house of prayer and community center to help refugees in practical ways...

This will be a space for churches and believers in the community to join together every morning in worship inviting Jesus to build his throne in the area. In the afternoons, there will be collaboration with volunteers from different local ministries to offer citizenship classes, tutoring for Arab children, and beyond.

I was privileged to visit Morgan and pray together over the land. The day I visited the house of prayer location, a “moving sale” sign was placed on the witchcraft shop across from the rental space. “The energy has changed in this place,” said the shop owner. Yes, it has, we agreed.

Come, Lord Jesus!


Alice Collier lives and serves in Phnom Penh with her husband and their three children. She helped to birth a school of worship among street children in one of the darkest areas of the city, and is a champion for the children’s prayer movement in Cambodia. Alice leads CRM's Prime Intercession team.