Novo: Make New Celebrating Gospel Movement: Our 2018 Annual Ministry Report — Novo

Celebrating Gospel Movement: Our 2018 Annual Ministry Report

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“CRM / Novo Novo is a band of creative missionaries sent to multiply movements of the gospel and mobilize the church for that mission around the world. “

Every year we pause to take an account of what God has done through the efforts of our staff. Each of our missionaries takes time to record the stories and numbers of people impacted, share moments of breakthrough and answered prayer, and celebrate the goodness of our God and his Kingdom.

The Annual Ministry Report is a summary of all of these things. 

While it may just look like numbers on a page, what these stories and details represent is something powerful and growing.

This year we’ve discovered that God is continuing to expand our impact—in making disciples, equipping leaders and churches, and empowering the poor and marginalized.

For example, this year, we counted 31,163 new followers of Jesus.

We launched 187 redemptive initiatives focused on bringing transformational impact to areas of brokenness and need, injustice, or poverty.

We saw 125,999 people discover more about Jesus through Discovery Bible Studies.

We equipped 22,350 leaders in their own discipleship and/or ability to make disciples.

This year, in addition, CRM / Novo is changing our name (although not our mission!) Novo means “to make new,” and we will continue to work to multiply gospel movements and mobilize the church for mission until all people, everywhere, are made new in Christ!

We believe that nothing is as important as reaching the nations with the good news of Jesus. It’s what gets us out of the bed in the morning and keeps us going, no matter the risk, no matter what it takes. And so we celebrate the places and lives the good news has touched through our ministry this year, and look forward to what God will do in the years to come!

View the full Annual Ministry Report online!

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