The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength

The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength

When I met Gordy, he had already been confined to a wheelchair for more than 60 years and his speech was unintelligible. Although burdened by his physical condition, he had a peaceful spirit and an infectious smile.


When Scripture Stings

When Scripture Stings

Personally, I’ve always found the words of Jesus to be counter-cultural, inspiring, thought-provoking, or comforting. Even the difficult things Jesus said have always rung true in my spirit. But recently, on the other side of a tragic loss in our family, I’ve found myself unexpectedly triggered by some of Jesus’s words.


God’s Smile

God’s Smile

In Novo we know how important blessing is. I love the power of this blessing found in Numbers.
I especially love the part about the Lord‘s face; it is shining upon us, him turning his countenance toward us.


Out-Of-The-Box Obedience

Out-Of-The-Box Obedience

Have you ever stepped into an obedience assignment from the Lord that just seemed a little crazy? It involved risk and dependence on him, and you knew you were not in control of the outcomes. 


The Goodness of God’s No

The Goodness of God’s No

Have you ever felt hedged in by the Lord? Have you experienced a time when God protected you from something—or even protected you from yourself?


Face to Face

Face to Face

What is it about physical presence that is so compelling? Why is a live concert always better than the recording? Why is talking on the phone with my daughter not as good as sitting silent in a room with her as she paints and I read?


A Rejoicing Spirit

A Rejoicing Spirit

Dig deeper into this scripture through a few minutes of visio divina, a reflective prayer practice that uses focusing on an image as a catalyst for prayer:


Joy in the Face of God

Joy in the Face of God

The discoveries of our brain have revealed much about our Creator and how to love like him. Even more, these discoveries have shown how the Church can experience a greater transformation.


Good News . . . of Great Joy

Good News . . . of Great Joy

If the gospel really is good news of great joy for all people, then what makes it joyful? Why not “good news of great impact” or “good news of great triumph”? Why joy?


The Precious Gospel

The Precious Gospel

The good news of Jesus Christ carries a supernatural value and impact. To counterfeit it would be a grave error indeed.


A Demonstration of Power

A Demonstration of Power

“My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.” –1 Corinthians 2:4–5
