Aligned with God’s Heart: The Inner Work of Blessing Another
Speaking blessings over the people in our lives can reveal places where God wants to make our hearts more like his.
Being a disciple of Jesus is a life-long journey of deepening intimacy with God. Strengthen your personal journey through these reflections and practices.
generational blessingPrimedevotionalsufferingsupernaturalmovementsrelationships & familyinspirationvideostaff storiesgivingthe poordownloadpodcastleadershipcreativityfaith in lifeprimethe churchministry impactresourcespersonal developmentWhat is the gospel?spiritual formationprayerBlessingcallingnew groundliving on missionworshipblessing
Topics: Blessingspiritual formationprayerrelationships & family
Speaking blessings over the people in our lives can reveal places where God wants to make our hearts more like his.
Topics: personal development
We are made by God to be continually transforming, growing ever more fully into the people he designed us to be. But how do we discern key growth areas in our lives and where to focus our energy?
Topics: spiritual formationprayer
Which best describes your spiritual life? An achievement mindset or a practitioner mindset? Your perspective may be impacting your spiritual growth.
Topics: spiritual formationpersonal developmentsuffering
God can and will use all things—even the parts of ourselves we would rather hide. What would happen if we offered all of ourselves, even the imperfect and unlovely, to God?
Topics: spiritual formation
Differences (language, culture, origin), far from being a hindrance to our worship of God, are an essential factor in our ability to bring glory to God’s name. So how do we learn to embrace them?
Topics: new groundspiritual formationpersonal development
When it comes to ministering across cultures, there is one factor that matters more than all others: the state of your heart. Ethne Director Jody Hovda shares three common heart conditions that get in the way and how to address them.
Topics: devotionalprayer
Often, the world around us champions going, doing, producing, and being busy. In light of this, what does Jesus’s invitation into rest mean?
Topics: spiritual formationprayerpersonal developmentstaff stories
There’s a big difference between knowing the truth of the gospel and living in the truth of the gospel. But how do we do it? Roy offers his personal story as an example.
Topics: Primeprayerspiritual formation
Years into her walk with Christ, Myra was surprised to discover that prayer could be more than a monologue where she talked to Jesus and expected him to listen; it could actually become a sacred dialogue where the two of them talked with each other.
Topics: spiritual formationliving on missionthe poor
An elderly homeless African American man with a few canned goods not expecting to be noticed, might have been the Creator of the Universe in very convincing disguise.
Topics: creativityspiritual formationpersonal development
Kingdom creativity comes from how we engage with the stuff of our everyday lives. God made all of us creative, but how do we cultivate that for his glory?
Topics: prayerspiritual formation
How can we personally experience the sense of God's immanent nearness and transcendent greatness, like the Psalmist David expressed in Psalm 139?