“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Over the last two months our blog has followed the journey of pilgrims on the path of suffering. We have leaned in to hear of their experiences—their troubles—and we have had the chance to glean of the wisdom born of their struggles. Our hope in wrestling through the reality of suffering was that you would find encouragement and counsel for your own times of challenge and that you would reach out to grab the hand of the Savior who walks beside you no matter how dark and long the road may be.
If this series has connected with you or helped you in some way, we would love to hear about it! Please drop us a note. How have you known the presence of God in your suffering?
If you missed it, you might want to consider looking back through some of what was shared. Reflect with Debbie on why it’s crucial to keep a soft heart, acknowledging the emotion and pain in our experiences, as Jesus modeled for us. Dig deep into the theology of suffering and why we so often find ourselves distrusting God when we are hurting in this video blog from Bill. Listen to Colletta’s story of suffering through encountering racism in the Church. Be inspired by David’s understanding that core woundings often lead us into our core callings for life. Find courage to follow Jesus into difficult contexts as Jim shares the four things that kept he and his wife “in it for the long haul” in a hard ministry. Learn how to practice lament or how to embrace the gifts of grief in your life to move closer to God in your own suffering.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome!
We know from scripture that our stories don’t end with suffering. After the crucifixion came the resurrection! After our suffering comes redemption, restoration, and the overcoming of evil!
This resurrection power—the power of the gospel—is something we experience in unique ways on the road of suffering. As Alex Galloway shared in one of his video blogs, suffering sets people apart and increases spiritual authority. There is something sacred about these seasons of tribulation. But resurrection power isn’t only for the hurting. It is also a reality we can embrace every day, in the good and the bad. In the same breath that Jesus promised we would suffer, he also promised he would overcome!
Here, at Easter—an event which forever altered reality—we want to pivot into that space of overcoming, opening our hearts to the power of Jesus and the power of his gospel. We follow a Suffering Servant, and we also serve a Risen Savior! It’s our hope that you will find encouragement through these upcoming posts and stories to believe that Jesus’s power to overcome is real, and to reach out to God in the places in your own life where you need his resurrection power.
May you know Christ’s continued presence in your suffering.
May you anchor your soul in the hope of overcoming.
And in every season, good and bad, may you know the power of his resurrection.
Megan Beehler
CRM Communications