Shared Tears and Joys

“Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy.” –2 Timothy 1:4 (TNIV)

The asylum seekers’ journey is one filled with tears. Tears from leaving home, family, friends, and career; the life one has known. This pain is mixed with the hope of safety and a better life. We have recently opened our house and life to these tears and joys.   

Our house on A street is big but full, with kids and dogs, housemates, and a revolving door of neighbors who bless our lives with joy and care everyday in unpredictable ways. Though we all must be faithful to our own call and capacity, I’ve found that living with open doors has expanded our capacity for more joy and care, given and received. So when the callout came for another Afghan asylum seeker to be hosted on our street, we said yes—not out of pity or marching duty, but dancing to the beat of neighborly hospitality that we’ve been practicing for a while now. 

We quickly cleared out an unnecessary nook on the edge of our dining room, curtaining it off as an additional bedroom. Sometimes you don’t realize your abundance until you create from what you have. 

This man comes to us with stories of atrocities we can hardly comprehend. He courageously leaves behind a family in hopes to sponsor them to safety if and as our US immigration system allows. Global crisis becomes so much more real when the victims are guests in your home. 

God have mercy. 

He cries and we share in the pain. We eat and sing and laugh together and share in the joy. I’m grateful for the relational bandwidth to host. I’m grateful for the community that upholds us. I’m grateful for this house that we aren’t able to own (yet!!) but one we’ve cultivated as a home in a place we’ve belonged to for 14+ years. It is here that we welcome strangers, entertain angels and become more whole and embodied in the sacrificial love of Christ for us and through us. Thanks be to God.

For Reflection:

How might God be asking you to expand your capacity to love those in need?

Where might God be asking you to open up to new experiences and walk with someone through tears and joy?

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Derek and Christiana Rice and their two daughters, Naomi and Anika, live in San Diego, CA where they cultivate community and are motivated to love and care for their neighborhood. Derek leads worship for Novo events throughout the year and comes alongside churches as they seek to develop a culture of worship in their church body. He also serves alongside other artistic and creative missionaries to help cultivate and participate in the movement of God in San Diego and beyond.